Using Bank ID cards

Bank ID Cards are used to identification of users when opening bank account and to authorize banking transactions: withdrawals and deposits.

Identification of Cardholder

This chapter describes how a cardholder and their card is identified and verified for services such as financial transactions and bank KYC using the Bank ID card.

  1. When seeking access to a service, the bank officer asks for consent from the cardholder to use his/her personal information. Only when consent is given, then the bank officer can ask cardholder to hold the card in the reader
  2. The Bank ID card is scanned and verified with the latest white-/blacklist downloaded from the server
  3. For whitelisted cards, the bank officer verifies that the photo that appears on the screen matches with the cardholder’s appearance. The bank officer uses additional information such as gender and date of birth to verify the identity
  4. The verified cardholder’s data may now be stored in the bank’s customer database. The data on the card includes
    • Full name
    • Unique identification number (ID number)
    • Date of birth
    • Residential address
    • Nationality

  5. Verified cardholders are then permitted to use the Relying Party’s service as the customer associated with their unique ID number